Version 2.0 --- [New] Forum for bug reports, translations etc: [Improvement] Reduced startup time after restart to prevent uninstall during lock [New Feature] Display countdown while a lock is active [New Feature] Pay to unlock early [New Feature] Menu: Minimize lock categories and uninstall info [Improvement] Improved scheduling mechanism: Scheduled lock periods start more punctual now. [Improvement] Reduced battery usage during location-based lock periods (only 1 gps check every 15 min) [Improvement] Select the exact lock location via map picker again [New Feature] Changes in lock status are sent via broadcast to Automate app ( ), so you can build your own addons. More on this on the forum soon. [Bugfix] In the old version lock periods started on the wrong day under some circumstances. [New Feature] Cleaner onboarding dialogue and many small bugfixes